The art of being an cyclist

How do you know you’re border line obsessed with cycling and all things bike related?

Here are some truths some of us face when we’re passionate (or clearly obsessed)

You have more than one weather app.

BBC weather, Google weather…. either way you constantly check the weather, also for some reason you seem to trust the one that sounds more promising. Even if it has betrayed you before.




Errr better


Ooohhhh! Let’s go out on our bikes. 20 miler anyone ?

Your house has become a garage.

Most people… well normal people may actully have a garage or shed. But the few of us that live in flats, apartments or small houses experience the dining room or front room jumble when trying the tinker with our two wheeled toys.


Yes this is my spare bedroom… I mean garage

You have more jerseys than actual going out clothes.

I can’t remember the last time I bought anything not cycling related.

Oh wait I bought… Errr hmm


Your phone has more pictures of bikes than your family and friends.

This can’t be true can it??




Wait …


See??? That’s not a bike !

Every time you go for a walk you’re checking out lines and hills.

Often, when I walk the dog I see a muddy rooty hill and think… I can go down that.


You have amazing ebay feedback….

Oooo!  Lights!

Oooo! Gloves!

Oooo!  Derailleur!

Must stop spending money..

The local bike shop owner knows your name… Also knows your weakness.

Every time I walk into the Cycle Centre Runcorn I get talked into buying something.

But obviously I needed it. Otherwise I wouldn’t have bought it, right?? 

You seem to have alot of mucoff bottles knocking around.

I keep finding these everywere! I don’t recall buying this many bottles!

Must have been from my local bike shop…

You’re constantly cheating on your bike online…

As much as you love the steed you own… you still window shop.


Must stop drooling

You’re more smug than your colleges.

Did you not find the morning commute hard today Jen?” I often hear.

On which I reply “no don’t be silly that was extremely easy”

As I gasp for air and hide my muddy and soggy bottom.

You suddenly think your a dietitian

Telling your friends and colleges that they’re eating crap. Telling them what they should eat… whilst you’re munching on a Yorkie bar and drinking a load of coffee promising yourself you will drink that 2 litres a day and cut down on sugar….

All your friends are now cyclists.. or you’re trying to convert them.


This was at a BBQ last weekend… Oh wait you are not in the picture?  If your not a cyclist you can’t come in.

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